here it is again, another year, another set of resolutions…

  1. experience! say yes! try new things even if you’re not really comfortable with it because who knows, great things are bound to happen more when you step out of your comfort zone.
  2. lets read more! im trying to read at least 1 book a month. i might read 3 books on March then not read anything until November, which is something i want to start avoiding by 2016…i want consistency!
  3. a cleaner diet!! please!! i’ve been binging since forever, been sleeping at 2am everyday and barely workout anymore! 😥 I needa start eating healthy but delicious food! i know i can find some good healthy food if i look hard enough for it. and this isnt a resolution so its not going to be the next point.. but rather a goal. I want to workout A LOT more and try to mix cardio and strength training.

Someone i kinda adore said this on a vid about how she got into better shape: take food more seriously, get a trainer, workout A LOT and eat healthy food most of the time.

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